Terms for Support of Gompa
1. The Facility
1.1 This facility is referred to on our site as 'member support' and 'member-support donation'. (Also, as 'join Gompa', 'become a member-supporter' and 'Gift a Gompa membership'.)
1.1 該設施在我們的網站上被稱為‘贊助會員’和‘贊助會員捐贈’(也作‘加入法會網’、‘成為一名贊助會員’和‘饋贈會員資格’。)1.2 This facility accepts donations made in support of the public service mission of Gompa Tibetan Monastery Services. (Optional offerings and donations to a partner monastery or nunnery can also be specified as part of the same transaction.)
1.2 該設施接受捐款贊助,以支持法會網—西藏寺院服務的公共服務使命。 (也可以在同一交易中選擇性指定對合作寺院或尼寺院的供養和捐贈。)1.3 Your member support donations support the aspiration of the senior lamas of all traditions to make online services available for the major Tibetan monasteries and nunneries in India and Nepal.
1.3 您的贊助會員捐贈支持各傳承高僧大德們的願望,為印度和尼泊爾地區主要西藏寺院和尼寺院提供線上服務。1.4 Donations must be of at least a minimum amount. The minimum amount is listed on the site at the appropriate places. For UK residents, VAT is applicable on just the minimum donation amount in support of Tibetan Monastery Services Limited.
1.4 捐款必須達到最低金額。 最低金額列在網站上適當的位置。 對於英國居民,增值稅僅適用於贊助法會網—西藏寺院服務有限的最低捐款金額。1.5 It is our intention to provide certain gratis benefits and facilities to account holders who are member supporters in current standing. These gratis benefits may be offered from time to time on a provisional basis, and may change or cease at any time. You acknowledge that Tibetan Monastery Services Limited has neither promised nor warranted to provide any services or benefits or facilities to you in respect of your member support donation(s). The provisional gratis benefits and facilities which we intend to offer to current member supporters are as follows:
1.5 我們打算向現有贊助會員帳戶持有人提供某些免費福利和便利。 這些免費福利可能會不定期提供,並可能臨時變更或停止。 您承認法會網—西藏寺院服務有限並未承諾或保證就您的贊助會員捐贈向您提供任何服務、福利或設施。 我們打算向現有贊助會員提供的臨時免費福利和設施如下:a) no-fee access to teachings and special events for online viewing and/or for making offerings and donations (with dedications); see terms for provision of online viewing of teachings and special events.
a) 免費使用線上觀看教學和特別活動和/或進行供養和捐贈(包括迴向);請參閱提供線上觀看教學與特別活動的條款。
b) no-fee booking of sponsored prayers and pujas (fees for media and special requests/services may apply); see terms for arranging sponsored prayers and pujas.
b) 免手續費預訂贊助祭頌與薈供(可能需要額外支付媒體費用和特殊要求/服務費用);請參閱安排贊助祭頌與薈供的條款。
c) access to the facility for no-fee transfer of offerings and donations to partner monasteries and nunneries, including donations in support of the community social welfare projects of the monasteries and nunneries, and offerings made for pujas conducted on auspicious days; see terms for sending offerings and donations.
c) 使用該設施向合作寺院與尼寺院免手續費寄送供養與捐款,包括支持寺院與尼寺院所在社區的社會福利項目捐款,以及為在吉日舉行的法會贊助的供養;請參閱寄送供養和贊助的條款。
d) on-demand access to past teaching and special event webcasts in the library for online viewing and/or for making offerings and donations (with dedications); see terms for access to teachings and special event webcasts in the library.
d) 在法會網影音典藏中按需使用過去的傳法和特別活的影音檔案,以供線上觀看和/或進行供養和捐贈(包括迴向);請參閱使用法會網影音典藏中傳法和特別活動影音檔的條款。