Schedule of Events

Set out below is a list of current and upcoming events at the partner monasteries and nunneries. (All dates are given in day/month/year format.)

To register for an event, please complete your registration for the event before its closing date. You will have the option to offer a voluntary donation (with an optional dedication) at the time you register. If you are new to Gompa select here.

If you have registered for an event and wish to view the available webcast, select My Sponsorships / Events from the Navigation Menu; then select the 'View webcast' button for the event.

Webcast events are recorded live and are usually available for viewing later the same day. Webcast sessions can be viewed at any time of your choosing until the webcast expiration date.

Featured Current Event

Event: A webcast of a teaching by the Venerable Khenpo Konchok Rangdol on ‘The Four Noble Truths’ on the auspicious occasion of Chokhor Duchen (the anniversary of Shakyamuni Buddha’s first teaching) on 09/07/2024
Monastery/Nunnery/Host: Drikung Dharma Foundation (Animal Sanctuary)
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 12/08/2024
Webcast available* until 12/08/2024.
Please sign in first to register for this event

Featured Upcoming Event

Event: A Continuation of the Mar Ngok Summer Teachings, an Extensive Series of Teachings by H.H. the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa on the ‘Origins of Secret Mantra’ starting 01/08/2024 and ending 07/09/2024
Monastery/Nunnery/Host: Webcast host: Tibetan Int’l Digital Library (USA)
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 07/10/2024
Please sign in first to register for this event

All Events

‘Extensive Guru Puja with Ceremonial Feast Offering’ (Lama Choepa Tsok Gyepa) at the special time of the 79th birthday celebration of H.H. the Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang, coinciding with the auspicious occasion of Chokhor Duchen   |   08/08/2024   |   Drikung Kagyu Jangchubling
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 08/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Annual Vairocana (Kunrig) Drupchod’   |   05/08/202411/08/2024   |   Lamayuru Monastery
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 11/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Extensive Propitiation Ritual of the Dharma Protectors’ (Kangso Gyepa)   |   03/08/2024   |   Dirru Samdup Dechen Chokhorling
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Extensive Propitiation Ritual of the Dharma Protectors’ (Kangso Gyepa)   |   03/08/2024   |   Drikung Kagyu Nunnery
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Extensive Propitiation Ritual of the Dharma Protectors’ (Kangso Gyepa)   |   03/08/2024   |   Kagyu College
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Propitiation Ritual of the Dharma Protectors’ (Kangso)   |   03/08/2024   |   Sed Gyued
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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A Continuation of the Mar Ngok Summer Teachings, an Extensive Series of Teachings by H.H. the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa on the ‘Origins of Secret Mantra’   |   01/08/202407/09/2024   |   Webcast host: Tibetan Int’l Digital Library (USA)
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 07/10/2024
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‘Vajravarahi (Dorje Phagmo) Ritual’   |   30/07/2024   |   Dilyak
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 30/07/2024
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‘Guru Puja with Ceremonial Feast Offering’ (Lama Choepa Tsok)   |   30/07/2024   |   Jamyang Choling Nunnery and Institute
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 30/07/2024
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‘Vajrayogini Ritual with Ceremonial Feast Offering’ (Dorje Nal-jorma Tsok)   |   30/07/2024   |   Chuwar Dophen Ling
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 30/07/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Medicine Buddha Ritual’ (Men-lha Choega)   |   30/07/2024   |   Sed Gyued
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 30/07/2024
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‘Cakrasamvara (Khorlo Demchok) Ritual’   |   30/07/2024   |   Karma Samten Ling
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 30/07/2024
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‘Practice of the Dakini Heart Essence’ (Khandro Thuk-thik), and the ‘Black Wrathful Mother - Garland of Jewels Chod Feasts’ (Troma Nagmo Tsog-ley Rinchen Treng-wa)   |   30/07/2024   |   Nyiphug Dhechen
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 30/07/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Annual Vajrayogini Drupchod’ with Sand Mandala   |   29/07/202431/07/2024   |   Guru Sakya
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 31/07/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Annual Vairocana (Kun-rig) Drupchod’   |   26/07/202401/08/2024   |   Phyang Tashi Chozong
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 01/08/2024
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‘Extensive Series of Special Practices’   |   24/07/202411/08/2024   |   Gaden Jangtse
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 11/08/2024
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   22/07/202403/09/2024   |   Jonang Buddhist Institute
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/09/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202402/09/2024   |   Dirru Samdup Dechen Chokhorling
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 02/09/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202402/09/2024   |   Rigon Thupten Mindrolling
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 02/09/2024
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202402/09/2024   |   Bodong Porong Pelmo Choeding
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 02/09/2024
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202403/09/2024   |   Tsoknyi Gechak Ling Nunnery
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/09/2024
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202403/09/2024   |   Thrangu Tashi Yangtse
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/09/2024
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202403/09/2024   |   Tsechen Chokhorling
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/09/2024
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202402/09/2024   |   Gongkar Choede
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 02/09/2024
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202402/09/2024   |   Pangan Gonpa Samten Choekhorling
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 02/09/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202402/09/2024   |   Ngor Pal Ewam Chodan
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 02/09/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202402/09/2024   |   Gaden Jamling Serkong Monastery
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 02/09/2024
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202403/09/2024   |   Sakya Tharig
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/09/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202403/09/2024   |   Thrangu Tashi Choling
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/09/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202403/09/2024   |   Thrangu Tara Abbey Nunnery
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/09/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   21/07/202403/09/2024   |   Dilyak
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 03/09/2024
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‘Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   20/07/202404/09/2024   |   Drigung Kagyu Rinchen Palri
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 04/09/2024
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‘Great Retreat Practices of the Single Deity Yamantaka (Jig-je Pa-chik), Shri Devi (Palden Lhamo) and Guhyasamaja (Sang-due)’   |   15/07/202414/08/2024   |   Gaden Jangtse
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 14/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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A webcast of select sessions of the ‘Annual Grand One Thousand Offerings to Ushnishavijaya’ (Namgyal Tong-Choe Drupchod), presided over by H.E. Chogye Trichen Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche, on the auspicious occasion of Chokhor Duchen   |   09/07/2024   |   Jamchen Lhakhang
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 12/08/2024
Webcast available* until 12/08/2024.
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A webcast of select sessions of the ‘Great Consecration Ritual’ (Rabne Chenmo) on the auspicious occasion of Chokhor Duchen (the anniversary of Shakyamuni Buddha’s first teaching)   |   09/07/2024   |   Gyudmed
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 12/08/2024
Webcast available* until 12/08/2024.
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A webcast of a teaching by the Venerable Khenpo Konchok Rangdol on ‘The Four Noble Truths’ on the auspicious occasion of Chokhor Duchen (the anniversary of Shakyamuni Buddha’s first teaching)   |   09/07/2024   |   Drikung Dharma Foundation (Animal Sanctuary)
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 12/08/2024
Webcast available* until 12/08/2024.
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‘Extensive Series of Special Practices’   |   06/07/202430/07/2024   |   Gaden Shartse
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 30/07/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   22/06/202404/08/2024   |   Guru Sakya
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 04/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   22/06/202418/09/2024   |   Pema Tsal Sakya Monastic Institute
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 18/09/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   22/06/202404/08/2024   |   Rumtek Monastery
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 04/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   22/06/202404/08/2024   |   Sakya Centre
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 04/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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Annual Early Starting ‘Rainy Season Summer Retreat’ (Yar Ngama)   |   22/06/202404/08/2024   |   Sakya Nunnery
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 04/08/2024
There is no webcast for this event.
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A teaching (有中文翻譯) by H.H. the Dalai Lama on the ‘Key to the Middle Way’ (Uma Demig)   |   05/06/202406/06/2024   |   Webcast host: Tibetan Int’l Digital Library (USA)
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 31/07/2024
Webcast available* until 31/07/2024.
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The Continuation of a Commentary (有中文翻譯) on Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye’s ‘The Guru’s Instruction in a Single Utterance – Part 2’ by the Venerable Drupon Khenpo Lodro Namgyal on the Auspicious Occasion of Saka Dawa   |   21/05/202423/05/2024   |   Pullahari
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 31/07/2024
Webcast available* until 31/07/2024.
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REPLAY: Free webcast of a teaching (有中文翻譯) by H.H. the Dalai Lama on ‘The Great Discourse on the Establishing of Mindfulness’ (Skrt: Maha Satipatthana Sutta) (Tib: Denpa Nyer Zhag Ge Do)   |   19/12/202120/12/2021   |   Webcast host: Tibetan Int’l Digital Library (USA)
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 31/07/2024
Webcast available* until 31/07/2024.
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REPLAY: Free replay of a teaching in English on ‘The Four Noble Truths’ by the Venerable Khensur Jangchup Choeden   |   27/03/202128/03/2021   |   Geluk International Foundation
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 31/07/2024
Webcast available* until 31/07/2024.
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REPLAY: Free replay of a teaching (有中文翻譯) on Nagarjuna’s ‘Letter to a Friend’ by the Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche   |   26/12/202023/01/2021   |   Webcast host: Thrangu Monastery, Canada
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 31/07/2024
Webcast available* until 31/07/2024.
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REPLAY: Free replay of a teaching in English (有中文翻譯) by H.H. the 42nd Sakya Trizin, Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, on key elements of ‘Ngondro’, the inner preliminary practices which are prerequisites for entering the Vajrayana (tantric) path   |   19/08/201930/08/2019   |   International Buddhist Academy
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 31/07/2024
Webcast available* until 31/07/2024.
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REPLAY: Free replay of a series of three talks by Choepa Karma Wangchuk Lhamo on ‘Karmic Causality’   |   03/07/201905/07/2019   |   Thrangu Tara Abbey Nunnery
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 31/07/2024
Webcast available* until 31/07/2024.
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REPLAY: Free webcast of a teaching by H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche titled ‘Bodhicitta and the Meaning of Dharma’   |   14/04/2018   |   Mindrolling
Closing date for registration and donations/payments: 31/07/2024
Webcast available* until 31/07/2024.
Please sign in first to register for this event

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